Document R 2022 by At Home with Maths
Last revised on 22 July 2022

Refund Policy

Dr. M’s teaching resources
Morrish Maths for Moreish Minds

These comprise activity packs for younger students purchased from Dr. M’s shop and interactive activities for older students accessible via the “PILOT” subscription.

Please read carefully before purchasing 

Morrish Maths for Moreish Minds teaching resources are based on up-to-date science and are verified and honed by my career-long practice of teaching maths in schools, colleges, University and privately.

Morrish Maths for Moreish Minds teaching resources help all students without neurodiversity and most students with neurodiversity and whether they struggle with maths learning or not, Morrish Maths for Moreish Minds helps overcome maths brain-twisters that stand in a way of their efficient maths learning hence increasing the efficiency of their maths learning and developing their maths potential to the full.

However, it is essential that Morrish Maths for Moreish Minds is used correctly and in a way that is appropriate to the student’s age and maths learning abilities.

I provide training for everyone interested to use Morrish Maths for Moreish Minds, but if you choose to use Morrish Maths for Moreish Minds teaching material and activities without my training you do so at your own risk and if you or your child experience any problems and/or you notice no improvements in your or your child’s maths learning I cannot be held responsible and no refunds will be due.

See also At Home with Maths Company Policy, Disclaimer, Dr. M’s guarantee

©2025 At Home with Maths